An honest body.

Monday, July 1, 2013

It's Summer

Summer, for teachers, is very important. We have the unique opportunity to live completely different lives for a few months. We can read books, clean our houses, do crafts, make dinners, travel. These are things that I find very difficult to do while teaching. I find, I'm very tired when I come home at the end of the day and most things I want to do remain on a list in my head or in a small notebook in my purse for weeks and months are are eventually forgotten.
Summer is wonderful. This is my second official summer as a teacher and I want to have some goals. I want to learn to play the drums. You heard me world. I've always known I had a drummer buried inside me, waiting to bash her way out. My boyfriend gave me a drum kit for my birthday. I'm ready.
I also want to organize everything in my house. No small feat. I think I love being very, very organized. It's hard to be organized. But I want to be.
The other things I like doing, like sleeping and reading and riding my bike seem to find their way naturally into my routine. The rest becomes sort of mysterious.
So my schedule will be as follows:
Wake up
Drink coffee
Play the drums
I'm such a lucky bitch!

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